
To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society. -Theodore Roosevelt

2024 Conservation Interns Complete Summer at RWCC on the Club’s TRM Ranch

By Luke Coccoli - Director of Conservation Programs

This group of MOHAB scouts is stoked to start their 5-day journey into "the Bob". This year scouts came to us from VA, MD and PA.

Each winter the application process for summer interns draws resumes from all over the country for those lucky enough to experience a season afield at the Club’s Rasmuson Wildlife Conservation Center (RWCC) and Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Ranch (TRMR). Interns have a wide variety of duties and responsibilities truly best defined as “other duties as assigned”. They handle direct student supervision and educational duties for K-12 programs and Outdoor Adventure Camps, lawn maintenance, vehicle detailing and client shuttles not to mention they get to spend 5 of their 10-week tenure trekking in the Bob Marshall Wilderness while serving as trek assistants for the MT Council BSA’s MOHAB program. Days are long but the summer tends to fly by and for a college student the memories and skills gained while on camp staff will hopefully last them a lifetime. Here is a brief glimpse into what our 2024 interns thought about their time working for the Club.


Kyler and Anna helped with all "other duties as assigned" like installing new target backers at the Palmer Shooting Sports Complex and redesigning flower beds in front of the RWCC.

Hi, my name is Kyler Rominger. I am from Eagar, Arizona. I am currently attending Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff Arizona. I'm attending school to get a bachelor's degree in parks and recreation with a minor in biology. This year will be my junior year in college. I heard about the summer intern position from my great uncle (Professional Member – Eric Rominger). He called me and told me about it so I looked into the job and figured it would be a great fit for me. I had never been to Montana prior to the internship so it allowed me to go to some place I have never been. Throughout the summer I learned so much, whether that is how to build electric fences or how to packraft a river with many different boy scouts. It also helped me learn way more about what Boone and Crockett actually is and what it stands for. I always knew a little about it since I hunted my whole life but I definitely know way more now. The biggest thing personally that surprised me this summer was how low in elevation the mountains around the ranch are. I figured they would be super high up since I went North but I was mistaken. One other little thing was how long the days were, there were many days it would be light until almost eleven at night. I think that people should know that Boone and Crockett stands for more than just scoring big animals. I know so many people that didn't know there was a ranch yet alone a headquarters for Boone and Crockett. I had the experience of a lifetime this summer and would suggest it to anyone who loves the outdoors.


Anna Davis (sophomore, Michigan State) poses with her "throw-bag" along the middle fork of the Flathead river. All interns are trained in swiftwater rescue techniques prior to beginning the summer season. 

My names Anna Davis. I’m currently a sophomore at Michigan State University going for a Bachelors of Science in Fisheries and Wildlife with a concentration in Conservation Biology. I was lucky enough to hear about the intern position with B&C from my advisor. If not for this job, I wouldn’t have experienced even a glimmer of all the amazing things I did this summer. I learned more than I can list on this page: new skills, facts about the environment, enough about the area to be dang close to being a local, the dynamics of kids and the best way to work with them, and how to slow down and appreciate the moment a bit more. Besides what I have learned, the environment around me interested me the most. I loved seeing the flora and fauna of Montana and picking up more and more facts about it every time I went outside. Being here made me realize how beautiful the surrounding area of B&C Ranch is, I could not be more grateful for the opportunity to experience it. One thing I wish more people knew about Boone and Crockett is their background in conservation as well as what they are in general.

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"The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So we must and we will."

-Theodore Roosevelt