Where Hunting Happens, Conservation Happens™
Once a trophy has been measured, there are a number of entry requirements that need to be fulfilled to insure the efficient and accurate processing of the trophy entry.
The most obvious and basic item needed to enter a trophy is a fully completed original score chart, signed and dated by a B&C Official Measurer. While the most current score chart is preferable we will accept any version of a Boone and Crockett score chart completed by a Boone and Crockett Club Official Measurer. Copies of score charts can be obtained by calling Boone and Crockett Club at 406/542-1888 or downloading them here so long as copies of the front and back are printed on only one sheet of paper. When an entry is not submitted on the correct (and properly completed) score chart, the Measurer will be asked to prepare and submit a correct and accurate original score chart for that entry.
A fee of $40 U.S. in the form of check, money order, or credit card authorization must accompany each entry. If the entry fee is not included with the entry materials, or if the incorrect amount is tendered, the trophy owner is notified that the complete entry fee is needed and processing is held up until the correct amount is received. Boone and Crockett Club Official Measurers, museums, Game and Fish agencies, and other similar not-for-profit organizations are exempt from paying the entry fee.
Each entry must be accompanied by clearly-focused, close-up, black and white or color photographs; slides are not acceptable. All bear and cat entries must be accompanied by photos of the front, left side, right side, and top of the clean, dried skull. All antlered and horned category entries must be accompanied by photos of the front, left side, and right side of the trophy. The photos can be of either the mounted or unmounted trophy, so long as all the trophy’s features (antlers, horns, etc.) are clearly visible. All side photos, especially those of moose, must be taken at right angles to the head of the trophy, to clearly illustrate the trophy’s characteristics.
These photographs can be taken at any time, and enable the records office to verify the scoring procedure of each entry by comparing the photographs to the measurements on the score chart. In addition, they add valuable information to each trophy’s file that cannot be obtained in any other fashion.
Digital photographs (not CDs, memory cards, or flash drives) are acceptable in place of regular print photographs now that the technology is available to guarantee and protect the integrity of the Club’s archives.
Noncompliance with photo requirements will cause delays in processing or in some cases, rejection. All the required photographs are needed to insure that the trophy is properly documented and correctly scored.
While field photos are not required, the records office would like to obtain a good-quality photograph of each trophy owner with their trophy. High quality field photos are regularly used in various Boone and Crockett Club publications, in addition to helping verify conditions of the hunt.
In the case of a new state or provincial record, the records office would like to obtain a good quality portrait photograph of the mounted trophy. Such photos are used as full page features for each state and provincial record in species specific record books such as Records of North American Whitetail Deer and others that are periodically published and updated from time to time. Each state and provincial record in these books is featured with a full page portrait photograph.
An original current Entry Affidavit, properly signed and witnessed, is a necessary requirement for each hunter-taken entry. As of 2015, the correct Entry Affidavit is no longer on the back of all score charts; it is a separate form. Click here to download a current copy of the Entry Affidavit. The hunter’s signature on the Entry Affidavit needs to be notarized by a notary public, or witnessed by a B&C Official Measurer. If the Entry Affidavit is witnessed by a B&C Official Measurer, it does not have to be the same Measurer that scored the trophy. Any B&C Official Measurer can witness the hunter’s signature on the Entry Affidavit.
Once a trophy has been measured that makes the minimum score, the Measurer should give the trophy owner an opportunity to thoroughly read the Entry Affidavit. Once the hunter is satisfied that they understand all the conditions listed and the hunt meets all aspects of the Entry Affidavit, they should sign it in the presence of the Measurer who should then witness the hunter’s signature. Please note that the Measurer’s signature witnessing an Entry Affidavit is in addition to the Measurer’s signature on the score chart verifying their measurements.
In Canada the notary public is known as the Commissioner of Oaths. Therefore, Canadian trophy owners may have their signature witnessed by a Commissioner of Oaths in lieu of a B&C Official Measurer. In addition, Canadian trophy owners may have their signature witnessed on the Entry Affidavit by an employee of a Game and Fish agency. If trophy owners choose the option to have their signature verified on the Entry Affidavit, they need to include a business card of the Game and Fish agency employee with the Affidavit.
In states or provinces where party hunting is legal more than one hunter may be listed in the records book (some allow up four hunters). However, in order to list more than one person as the hunter, each hunter must submit a signed and witnessed Entry Affidavit, as well as a copy of their hunting license/tag for the trophy being entered. To list more than one owner for a trophy in the records book, the hunter simply needs to include the names of all the owners on the owner line on the score chart. Click here to download a copy of the current Entry Affidavit form.
Trophy owners submitting purchased trophies, picked up trophies, trophies of unknown origin (e.g., auctions, yard sales, etc.), or trophies taken by deceased hunters, etc., must sign the Materials Release Form, which is on the back of the Entry Affidavit. This signature does not need to be witnessed by a notary public or Boone and Crockett Club Official Measurer.
Each entry that was taken by a hunter must also include a completed Hunter, Guide, and Hunt (HGH) Information sheet, even if the services of a guide were not employed on the hunt. The hunter simply needs to complete the parts of the HGH form that apply to their particular trophy. The HGH form and all other required forms are available from the Official Measurer, the Records Office, or they can be downloaded here.
A copy of the appropriate hunting license and/or tags, if applicable, must accompany each entry that was taken by a hunter. If a copy of the license and/or tags is no longer available, the Club will accept a statement from an appropriate Game and Fish agency official who will certify that a license (and any required tags) was possessed by the hunter at the time the trophy was taken. If the Game and Fish Agency no longer has records at its disposal to verify the purchase of a license, a written statement, on official letterhead, from Game and Fish personnel stating the fact that the license information is no longer available is acceptable. In such cases, the hunting license requirement will be waived. The records office also requires copies of export permits for trophies transported out of Mexico and Canada, especially CITES permits.
In the event of a found/picked up trophy we will need a copy of the possession/salvage permit from the state/provincial game and fish agency (if applicable).
The Entry Affidavit, Hunter Guide and Hunt Information form, and the hunting license copy, are only required for trophies that have been taken by hunters.
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Entry requirements for Boone and Crockett Trophies
"The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So we must and we will."
-Theodore Roosevelt