
Fair Chase in North America


By Craig Boddington

Not since the legendary Jack O'Connor has one outdoor writer captivated readers the way that Craig Boddington has. His delightful anecdotes that accompany vital tips for hunting all species of North American big game make this book a powerfully exciting read for new and seasoned hunters. From the Sonoran desert to the frozen Arctic, from Newfoundland to California, Boddington shares his extensive experience hunting North America's game fields. You will climb among the peaks for wild sheep and mountain goat, stalk the great bears, and hunt antlered game from the smallest varieties of deer to Alaska's giant moose.

Only available as an eBook (ePub and Mobi).


Regular Price: $9.99

Digitally remastered. The EPub version is compatible with most e-readers including Nook, iPad, Sony, etc.

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"The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So we must and we will."

-Theodore Roosevelt
