Follow noted adventurer Frederick Courteney Selous as he spends nine years amongst the game of the far interior of South Africa as a professional hunter beginning in 1871 at the young age of 20. In his preface he notes, “ pages are naturally chiefly devoted to the ferae naturae amongst which I have been constantly living. Some of my conclusions with regard to lions, rhinoceroses, or other animal, may differ from those arrived at by other men equally competent to give an opinion; but, at all events, they are the result of a long personal experience of the beasts themselves, and have not been influenced in any way by the often unreliable stories of ‘old hunters.’”
6 x 9 inches
488 pages
Available in the following editions — Paperback and eBook (ePub and Mobi).
Regular Price: $24.95
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"The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So we must and we will."
-Theodore Roosevelt