
To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society. -Theodore Roosevelt

Watchable Wildlife Trail at the TRM Ranch



In 1995, the Club created a nature trail in the heart of the TRM Ranch in conjunction with a project known as Watchable Wildlife. The trail project was accomplished with the help of many people of all ages who shared a common vision and share the sense of uniqueness of this piece of Montana. Because of the efforts of these people, others will be able to appreciate this vast landscape.


The TRM Ranch contains a variety of habitats ideal for wildlife - wet meadows and cottonwood river bottoms, rolling hills of short-grass prairie, limber pine ridges, Douglas fir and aspen stands covering the slopes of the great limestone reefs of the Rocky Mountain Front.

Bottomlands harbor a variety of birds (Cassin's finch, mountain bluebird, meadowlark, northern flicker, and pileated woodpecker), approximately 100 whitetail deer, and the shy but common beaver.

The plains and hillsides are home to ruffed, blue and sharp-tailed grouse, and as many as 2,000 mule deer and 600 elk winter on the ranch. Red-tailed hawks and golden eagles nest on the ranch and can be heard and seen daily from spring through fall near Dupuyer Creek.

Although quite secretive and rarely seen, the ranch is also home to grizzly bears, black bears, bobcats, mountain lions, and an occasional wolf. While the chance to view wildlife here is superb, the geology and cultural history are equally impressive. These are all interpreted along the Watchable Wildlife Trail that starts and ends near the parking area.




Two signs have been erected on the trail—one at the beginning and one at the end. The funding for the trail materials came from a Project PRIDE Farm Bill application with matching funds from the Boone and Crockett Club. The U.S Forest Service chipped in by assisting in the surveying and design of the trail.



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"The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So we must and we will."

-Theodore Roosevelt