
Unlocking Incentives to Conserve Wildlife and Their Habitats LOWELL E. BAIER - WITH CHRISTOPHER E. SEGAL The only hope for successful conservation of America’s threatened, endangered, and at-risk wildlife is through voluntary, cooperative partnerships that focus on private land, where over 75% of at-risk species can be found. Private landowners form the bedrock of these partnerships, and they have a long history of rising to meet the challenge of conservation. But they can’t do it alone.
Short Stories from the Boone and Crockett Awards Legendary Hunts offers a unique glimpse at the apex of our hunting culture -- everyday hunters who defied the odds to take an exceptional trophy. You will feel the emotion, pride, care, dedication, and excitement as you enjoy the stories of the men and women who have taken these outstanding trophies.
Published in 2012. The most complete book of trophy records and info on America's favorite game species is now available in its fifth edition from the world's foremost authority on native North American big game records keeping. Includes trophies up through 2011.
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Published in 2004. This book includes: Eight new World’s Records, a listing of over 4,200 trophies, and the tales of the hunts for the top 117 native North American big game animals entered in the Club’s 25th Awards Program.
Published in 2010. This big game records book includes over 4,900 trophies accepted between 2007 and 2009, plus dozens of stories about the top trophies.
Published in 1996. The official records book for outstanding elk and mule deer trophies. Compiled by the Boone and Crockett Club from data in our records archives edited by Jack and Susan Reneau .
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Published in 2009. This first-ever records book dedicated solely to American elk, Roosevelt's elk, and tule elk
Published in 2003. This greatly expanded fourth edition features over 7,500 listings of whitetail deer from the Boone and Crockett Club’s Records Program dating back to the late 1800s up through December 31,2002—that’s nearly double the entries from the previous edition published 1996.
Regular edition sold out! Boone and Crockett Club's 24th Big Game Awards book was released in 2001 and includes trophies accepted between 1998-2000. All of the hardcover trade editions for this book are gone, but we still have a two special editions available—Limited Edition and a Deluxe Limited Edition.
Published in 1998. This book features 5 new World's Records and 101 award-winning hunting stories, plus trophy listings for more than 3,500 big game entries.
Published in 1999. This volume of Records of North American Big Game is the eleventh in a series of world renowned records books begun by the Boone and Crockett Club in 1932. The tabular listings are based on the Boone and Crockett Club's copyrighted method of scoring. First adopted in 1950, this is the universally recognized standard for judging North American big game. Hunters, wildlife biologists, state and provincial game managers, federal wildlife officials, and anyone with a sincere interest in biological data of big game species will find this book an invaluable reference source.
Published in 1981. This 8th edition of the Club's All-time records book was published in an edition of just 750 numbered books. Each book comes in its own slipcase and includes a signature page. Trophies listed include those accepted before December 31, 1979.
Published in 1993. Long considered "The Book" of big game records, Records of North American Big Game is the most complete big game records book cataloging the greatest big game ever taken in North America.
The definitive field guide for anyone wanting to learn B&C's world-famous big game scoring system and apply this knowledge to effectively judge big game in the field.
The second book in B&C's Acorn Series Published in 1895. Originally published in 1895. This second volume in the Club's Acorn series features unique hunting adventures from around the world by members of the Boone and Crockett Club.
By Craig Boddington Not since the legendary Jack O'Connor has one outdoor writer captivated readers the way that Craig Boddington has. His delightful anecdotes that accompany vital tips for hunting all species of North American big game make this book a powerfully exciting read for new and seasoned hunters.
Robert D. Brown, Ph.D. and Leonard H. Wurman , M.D. A Brief History of Wildlife Conservation and Research in North America describes the changing climate and role conservation played throughout early North America, during times of destruction and war through to education and restoration.
The fourth book in the Acorn Series. Originally published in 1904. This fourth book in the acclaimed Acorn Series includes a collection of unique hunting adventures by Members of the Boone and Crockett Club.
The fifth book in the Acorn Series. Originally published in 1913. This fifth book in the acclaimed Acorn Series includes a collection of unique hunting adventures by Members of the Boone and Crockett Club. Read about accounts of unique hunting expeditions and adventures in the Rocky Mountains, Mongolia, Turkestan, Cuba, and Alaska.
The first of three modules that will provide practice for students to test their wildlife identification skills while viewing a full set of trail camera photographs. This module features images from The Grove camera and highlights topics such as identifying different species of deer and elk,...
The second of three modules that will provide practice for students to test their wildlife identification skills while viewing a full set of trail camera photographs. This module features images from The Hightower camera and highlights topics such as monitoring deer movement, antler growth, extreme...
The third of three modules that will provide practice for students to test their wildlife identification skills while viewing a full set of trail camera photographs. This module features images from The North Fork camera and highlights topics such the variety of wildlife that occupies different...
Buy all three Trail Camera Lesson Plans and save $5! The bundle includes the following lesson plans – Trail Camera 101, Trail Camera – The Grove, Trail Camera – The Hightower, Trail Camera – The North Fork. Bundle downloads as 1 PDF with all four plans included.
George Bird Grinnell, co-founder of the Boone and Crockett Club and son of a New York merchant, saw a different future for a nation in the thrall of the Industrial Age. With railroads scarring virgin lands and the formerly vast buffalo herds decimated, the country faced a crossroads: Could it pursue Manifest Destiny without destroying its natural bounty and beauty? The alarm that Grinnell sounded would spark America’s conservation movement. Yet today his name has been forgotten―an omission that John Taliaferro’s commanding biography now sets right with historical care and narrative flair.
Wandering the High Lonesome By Jack Ward Thomas Wilderness is smooth sippin’-whiskey for the outdoorsman’s soul. But it’s also espresso for those determined to keep America’s wildest places untrammeled by man. For Jack Ward Thomas, it was both.
The Club is pleased to offer this limited edition reprint of the first scoring manual published by the Boone and Crockett Club. Game Book of the Boone and Crockett Club was originally published by Club member James Hathaway Kidder in 1906. There are only two known copies of the 1906 edition in existence today.
More Short Stories from the Boone and Crockett Awards Legendary Hunts II chronicles the heart of our hunting culture—the accounts of everyday hunters who defied the odds to take exceptional big game trophies. Sportsmen love a good hunting story and Legendary Hunts II delivers with over 40 unforgettable tales about some of the top trophies taken in our lifetime.
The third book in B&C's Acorn Series Published in 1897. Reprinted in 1988. The third volume of the Club's Acorn series, Trail and Camp Fire , follows suit with its predecessors featuring hunting stories and adventure in North America as well as Africa.
Published in 1987. The official records book for outstanding whitetail deer trophies. Compiled by the Boone and Crockett Club from data in our records archives edited by Wm. H. Newsbitt and Jack Reneau .
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Published in 2009. The definitive history book for trophy mule deer, Columbia blacktail , and Sitka blacktail in North America! This first-ever records book dedicated to mule deer and related subspecies.
By M.L. Biscotti From its founding at the residence of Theodore Roosevelt in 1887, one of the primary goals of the Boone and Crockett Club has been to disseminate information about wilderness areas and the wild game that inhabits those spaces. Through their own publications, and very selectively through approved works of other publishers, the Boone and Crockett Club has and continues to realize the vision of its founders, here most recently with A Bibliography of American Sporting Books by M. L. Biscotti.
This booklet includes important statistical data (who, where, when, score, measurements, etc.) for each trophy featured in the 29th Awards trophy display. Also included is the award each trophy received at the banquet, and a quality, portrait photograph of the top trophy in each category.
Published in 1997. This special edition for the Club's Measuring and Scoring North American Big Game is available in an edition limited to just 25 copies and is hand-bound with a leather spine and handmade paper front and back along with a matching slipcase. Each book is signed and hand numbered.
Regular edition sold out! Boone and Crockett Club's 22nd Big Game Awards book was released in 1995 and includes trophies accepted between 1992-1994. All of the hardcover trade editions for this book are gone, but we still have a few special editions available.
Wild Sheep of North America By Dale E. Toweill and Valerius Geist Sheep are considered by many to be among the most regal of all game animals. One of the most important success stories in wild game management has been the recovery of our wild sheep populations. Return of Royalty is a celebration of the return of wild sheep to many of its historical ranges.
Published in 1992, this book contains the complete records for trophies entered during the Club's 21st Big Game Awards Program.
Published in 2007. Includes nearly 4,700 trophies accepted between 2004 and 2006, plus dozens of stories about the top trophies.
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The first book in B&C's Acorn Series Published in 1893. This edition includes chapters by Theodore Roosevelt on hunting pronghorn; Owen Wister recalls his quest for Rocky Mountain goats; George Bird Grinnell writes of the days when the buffalo blanketed the western plains; W.D. Pickett tells of nights spent with the grizzlies; along with several other hunting adventures from the 1800s .
Published in 1932. Reprinted in 1988. The official records book for outstanding native North American big game trophies. Designed and compiled by Prentiss N. Gray, Chairman of the Boone and Crockett Club's Records of North American Big Game Records Committee.
Published in 1988. The official records book for outstanding native North American big game trophies. Compiled by the Boone and Crockett Club from data in our records archives edited by William H. Nesbitt and Jack Reneau .
This special collector's item compliments the Awards Book and features images of all of the 1st Award winners and data on the other award-winning trophies of the 26th Awards. If you were unable to make it to Fort Worth, here's your chance to pick up a copy while supplies last.
By James B. Trefethen Here, in one volume, is the definitive history of wildlife conservation in America. James Trefethen is a professional conservationist who has spent a lifetime studying the history of wildlife laws and population trends. Research for this book began many years ago, when the Boone and Crockett Club commissioned the author to write a history of the Club. In the course of his investigations, Trefethen found that the men behind the first great conservation movement were the founders and members of the Boone and Crockett Club, and that the early history of B&C was in reality a chronicle of America's awakening conservation conscience.
Proceedings of the Workshop on the Management Biology of North American Wild Sheep. Published in 1975. This volume consists of the proceedings of a workshop on the management biology of wild sheep held at the University of Montana in 1974, with contributions by wildlife biologists from every state containing wild sheep from Alaska to Mexico. The conference reports and discussions are reproduced verbatim and provide a valuable resource of information.

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"The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So we must and we will."

-Theodore Roosevelt